Wednesday February 5th, 2025
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Stern PinballSome News....Gary Stern has just recently aquired the Sega Pinball Division. Just in time too, since Williams has recently pulled out of the pinball industry completely. Not much is known about what will be happening with Stern Pinball tho. I will try and keep the page updated! Stern pinball is usually pretty obscure to most people. Like other new pinball companies of the time (Game Plan, Atari), Stern wanted to add some creativity to the pinball market and also define themselves as a company. Although Stern only stayed in business about 8 years, they made their mark on the industry and also in the hearts of collectors.I was 10 when I first saw a Stern pinball game, the game was Seawitch, and it was FAST! Stern games seemed to have an amazing ability to send the ball screaming into the flipper in-lanes and right over the flipper before your fingers could even react. While this was sort of a trade mark on all the non-widebody games from them, it defintely was not the only 'signature' of a Stern game. Another aspect of Stern games that I enjoyed so much was the ability of Stern's Drop Target banks to be swept down all at once with a ball approaching from the side. Many of their playfield designs took advantage of this setup (Quicksilver probably the most obvious). While Stern pinball machines do not hold a major niche in pinball history... the games are definitely unique and fun to play. Many a collector has been 'bitten' by the Stern bug. Tony Miller replied to a recent RGP thread with some good info, check it out. SchematicsThese will be filling in slowly. All are in .pdf format.
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