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Space Fury Commander Space Fury


Released: 1981, Color XY, Horizontal, 1 or 2 Players
Notes: Space Fury came in both upright Convert-a-Game and dedicated cocktail cabinets. The most memorable feature of Space Fury was the soothing voice of the one-eyed alien commander which taunts and teases the player throughout the game..

"Soooo. a creature for my amusement. PREPARE FOR BATTLE!"

Game Description

Space Fury is somewhat similar in game play to Asteroids or Space Duel.

Alien segmentsfly onto the screen, "assembling" themselves into complete aliens. The characteristic of the assembled aliens depend on how many of the pieces are allowed to assemble.

Incomplete Alien An incomplete alien will track the player's ship until destroyed.
Complete Alien Complete aliens move slowly in a random direction, but have the ability to launch fireballs at the player's ship.
The first four rounds of Space Fury each feature a different type of alien enemy. From the fifth round onwards, the four varieties of alien mingle.

Between waves, you are given a time limit to dock with one of three differently colored shells. Each shell grants the player different additional firing capabilities.

    Blue Shell Two shots straight ahead
    Green Shell One bullet to each side
    Light Blue Shell Two shots behind

Space Fury Cabinet

Board Configuration

1 - Speech board (EPROM 970 - 972, 808)
2 - CPU board (EPROM 969, chip 315-0064)
3 - X-Y timing board
4 - X-Y control board
5 - Sound board "Battle Star"
6 - EPROM board (EPROM numbers 960 - 968)


1 Player Start, 2 Player Start
Left Rotate, Right Rotate, Thrust, Fire


Picture Gallery

Space Fury Manual

Take me back to that Sega Vector Homepage

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