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Eliminator Ship Eliminator


Released: 12/81, Color XY, Horizontal, 2 and 4 Player Simultaneous
Notes: Eliminator is unusual in that it was produced in three different forms:

Although the games between the three different types are the same, different versions, thus different EPROMs, were necessary to handle the displaying of scores for each of the different cabinets. The attract modes for each game stayed the same as the upright version, which is kind of odd for the 4-player version since the attract mode implies only two players.

Game Description

Eliminator Screenshot Both two and four player versions of Eliminator are essentially the same game.
Rick Schieve came up with this comprehensive description of Eliminator's gameplay...

You have control of a Starcastle like ship controlled with Starcastle type controls (buttons for left, right, thrust, and fire). A large circle rotates slowly around the screen (often referred to as the "Death Bagel" a name which started with John Grigsby). In the center of the Death Bagel is the bad guy ship. This ship grows slowly in size and eventually leaves the Death Bagel and comes after the players.

The bad guy ship can be killed 2 ways. The first way is to shoot down a tunnel leading into the Death Bagel which is challenging as the Death Bagel rotates as it moves around the screen. The other involves the outside of the of the Death Bagel. Anthing that touches the outside of the Death Bagel dies (you, the other players, and the bad guy ship). Your shots only have direct destructive power when shot down the Death Bagel tunnel. The other effect your shots have is to give what they hit a slight push in the direction of the shot. So the other way to kill the bad guy ship is to force it into the outside of the Death Bagel with your shots (this of course can only be done once the bad guy ship has grown enough to pursue you).

Eliminator 4-Player Cabinet So the 1 to 4 players can work together to destroy the Death Bagel or the bad guy ship when it come out right??? .... WRONG. While the game can be played this way it's much more fun to play kill your neighbor by either forcing them into the outer wall of the Death Bagel or leaving them to fight the bad guy ship alone and harassing them when they do. You are even encouraged to do this as you get points for every shot that hits the other players.

You only get one shot on the screen at a time. If you shoot fast the current shot kills the previous shot (as in Gorf). If you fire a single shot it continues to bounce around the boarders of the screen until it either hits another player, the bad guy ship, or the outside of the Death Bagel.

Points can earn you bonus ships. When you get down to one player you play against a fair number of dumb drone ships. The number of drone ships is based on how many times the Death Bagel and/or bad guy ship was destroyed with the max number of drone ships stopping at 5.

Eliminator - 2 Player Upright

The 2-Player Upright version of Eliminator came in a standard Sega Convert-a-Cabinet.

Board Configuration

1 - CPU board (EPROM 969, chip 315-0070)
2 - X-Y timing board
3 - X-Y control board
4 - Sound board "Meatball" or "Eliminator"
5 - EPROM board (EPROM numbers 1333 - 1345)


1 Player Start, 2 Player Start
Player 1: Left Rotate, Right Rotate, Thrust, Fire
Player 2: Left Rotate, Right Rotate, Thrust, Fire


Eliminator - 2 Player Cocktail

The Eliminator cocktail is very different in hardware than it's upright or 4-player counterpart. For starters, the game has a different power supply configuration. It has what appears to be a basic switching power supply, a transformer, and a small board which looks to rectify some of the voltages and/or support audio amplification. Also, it uses a 19" monitor, but the chassis is different than the standard G08 chassis so that it could fit in the cocktail. The weird thing is that it had adjustment knobs at the BOTTOM of the chassis (so you could reach them) that looked similar to the screen and focus knobs seen on the average Electrohome G07 monitor.

Board Configuration

1 - CPU board (EPROM 969, chip 315-0070)
2 - X-Y timing board
3 - X-Y control board
4 - Sound board "Meatball" or "Eliminator"
5 - EPROM board (EPROM numbers 1200 - 1212)


Cabinet: 1 Player Start, 2 Player Start
Player 1 panel: Left Rotate, Right Rotate, Thrust, Fire
Player 2 panel: Left Rotate, Right Rotate, Thrust, Fire


    2-Player Cocktail Eliminator ROM Images - Coming Soon!!!

Eliminator - 4 Player Table-top

The four player version of Eliminator is a tall table top game where you stand at each side of the monitor at a player control panel. It was not really a Convert-a-Game per se, since no other games could be played out of its cabinet and the game couldn't be played out of any other Sega/Gremlin cabinet (without some serious hacking).

The four player consists of basically the same set up of the regular 2-player except that it has an external I/O board to handle all the additional coin and control inputs.

Board Configuration

1 - CPU board (EPROM 1390, chip 315-0076)
2 - X-Y timing board
3 - X-Y control board
4 - Sound board "Meatball" or "Eliminator"
5 - EPROM board (EPROM numbers 1347 - 1360)


Player 1: Left Rotate, Right Rotate, Thrust, Fire
Player 2: Left Rotate, Right Rotate, Thrust, Fire
Player 3: Left Rotate, Right Rotate, Thrust, Fire
Player 4: Left Rotate, Right Rotate, Thrust, Fire
The four control panels are color coded to match the player's ship color and set with one on each side of the monitor.

No player start buttons were needed. There was a coin door for each side of the cabinet under each player's controls. The coin mechs have lockout coils, so as soon as a player put a coin in, the coin door would lock out attempts to coin up that side again, and the player would use that side. A countdown from 10 would begin, and other players could coin in before it reached 0. Once it reached zero, players could not join, and any remaining attempts to coin in would be locked out.


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