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Asteroids Upright Cabinet

Game Stats

Cabinet Styles:
  • Upright: November 1979
  • Cocktail: April 1980
  • Cabaret: June 1980
Notes: Horizontal, Black & White, 2 Player Alternating. 2 software versions, Largest vector game production.

Production Run/Serial #'s

Asteroids was released in Upright, Cocktail and Cabaret cabinets. There was also a small number of "Gold Asteroids" games(maybe only one). The game was made to commemorate the 50,000th Asteroids game produced.

Game Description

Asteroids sits right up there with Pac-Man and Space Invaders as a classic. From the hypnotic bass to the swarming asteroid field this game had every intention of success. The production run for this game exceeded 70,000!! units. Asteroids was so popular that the production line for Lunar Lander was switched over to producing Asteroids games, this is why some Asteroids are in Lunar Lander cabinets (about 200 were done this way!).
Your mission is basically to reduce the floating asteroids down to rubble and finally dust. Each asteroid when shot breaks into two smaller ones. As you create your destruction you must avoid enemy flying saucers that will try and shoot you down. The saucers come in two flavors, large and small. The large ones of course easier to hit and are much less accurate with their lasers, while the smaller saucers are quick and accurate(they also score 1000 points, motivation for saucer hunting). When you clear the level, alas... more asteroids appear, and in greater numbers.


Vector PROM Image (Location C8 on PCB) (.zip 1K) Thanks to Matt McCullar!
Signature Analysis Guide by Peter Fyfe (.pdf 20K)
Asteroids Pinouts
Asteroids DIP Switch Settings
Asteroids Version 1 ROM Images
Asteroids Version 2 ROM Images
Asteroids Self Test Error Codes
Here is a mod to Make your Asteroids a little faster


In the version 1 ROM's you can avoid being killed by the asteroids and the saucer shots by hiding in the Scores at the top of the screen.

Repro Stuff!!

  • Tom W. has made repro Asteroids Overlays!

    Picture Gallery

    Asteroids Manual Asteroid Flyer: Front Asteroids Flyer: Back
    Manual: Cover Flyer: Front Flyer: Back


    This page by Mark N. has a very comprehensive history of Asteroids
    Go back to the Vector Homepage

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