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Atari Vector ROM Viewer

Running Rex

Current Version is 0.2

Zee Screnzhot!! Here is a little project that I have started to work on. Clay C. inspired me with his beta versions of VSnoop and G08ed, which are for the Sega Vector games. I had written a text based vector dumper for Atari games last year but I was really new to C and didn't really have time to add a graphical front end like Clay has done. Well, last month I got a copy of C++ Builder by Borland. This is my first program written in it and I must say Im pretty impressed(with BCB, not my programming!). I know alot of people really hate Windows 95 but I only spent about 36 hours on this so far and it actually works (Well sort of!! :-)

This is still a beta right now so all the functions don't necessarily work quite yet, see below!

  • Will read most Atari color vector ROM's
  • SmartSteps through the Atari code
  • Optional Crosshair and Grid backgrounds
  • Completely Scalable
  • Creates useable energy from old bananna peels! Whoa!
Not Yet Implemented:
  • Previous button will only back-step once for now
  • Support for the older Black and White DVG hardware
  • Support for JSR and JMP instructions
  • Vector Editing and file saving
  • Watch out if you try and resize the appp, it may get ugly!
  • Some objects will not draw out, get to know the 'next' button
  • Scaling the object really big can screw up the drawing engine sometimes
  • Some lines are dropped sometimes??
  • Probably lots more!
Download AView 0.2!!

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