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Arcade Games In The News!

These pages created by Curtis Hart.

How much impact did the arcade scene cause in the 80's? Below are plenty of examples of how these classics made the media into a frenzy!

1980 1981
  • Invasion of the Asteroids - Gucci's? Three-pieced suits? Stuffing quarters into Asteroids? What's going on here!?
  • Programmers'notes: How to Win at Asteroids - Still need that cutting edge to get the all time score using the arcade emulators? See what the programmers had to say about the game.
  • Newsweek - February 23, 1981 - The Asteroids Are Coming - The problem with arcades aren't teens cutting classes, it's the lawyers and accountants who are overrunning them!
  • Smithsonian - September, 1981 - A generation meets computers on the playing fields of Atari - Smithsonian did an excellent article on the brainstorming of Atari programmers.
  • Newsweek - November 16, 1981 - Invasion of the Video Creatures - A nice article discussing the pop-culture of videogames and how it's affecting our society.
  • Time - January 18, 1982 - Games That Play People - Arcade games made it to the cover story of Time. Looking back on this article, it's funny to read how parents over-reacted to their children playing these games. Small article about Steve Jurasek (Who played Defender for over 16 hours on one quarter) in here as well.
  • U.S. News & World Report - February 22, 1982 - Videogames - Fun or Serious Threat? - Are kids getting so bad about skipping school to play games that towns are starting to pass laws prohibiting them from play?
  • Newspaper Article - April 28, 1982 - A teenager dies of a heart attack while playing Berzerk. Arcade games' first fatality
  • Newspaper Article - May 30, 1982 - Kyle Riley and Jo Linda Richardson exchanged vows in an arcade in a Pac Man themed wedding.
  • Changing Times - September, 1982 - The video game business - it's easy to lose. - Think the road to easy money is opening your own arcade? Think again. Learn about how you should be weary of this lucrative side job.
  • Joystik - September, 1982 - In the premier issue of the nearly infamous magazine, they managed to get inside of Vid Kidz' own Eugene Jarvis' mind and see what makes him tick.
  • Working Woman - November, 1982 - Ms. Pac Man - Even women magazines were in a frenzy about the rage of video games!
  • Business Week - November 1, 1982 - Zapping a Software Copier - A court case won to help prevent future pirating of arcade games. Crazy Kong beware!
  • BC Cycle - November 16, 1982 - Video games: Help or hazard to children's health? - Yet another article about the 'dangers' of videogames.
  • Business Week - December 6, 1982 - The first signs of the decline of video games. - Who knew what was to happen to the industry this time, next year?
  • BC Cycle - December 28, 1982 - Brock Hotel Corp. grows steadily with few foot shootings - Because of their stupid rules of kids 18 and under to be accompanied by an adult, I missed out on months serious Q*bert time!
  • The MacNeil/Lehrer Report - December 29, 1982 - Pac-Man Perils - Even these guys had to get into the video game scene. Read the transcript from this popular PBS show about how society reacted to video games.
  • The Washington Post - December 29, 1982 - Herndon Limits Firms To Three Video Games - Only three games per business? It almost makes it not worth the effort of skipping school.
  • Facts on File World News Digest - December 31, 1982 - Video Games Assailed in Asia - And we thought we had is bad here in the U.S. Learn how some Asian governments are passing laws to ban these games all together!
  • Souped-up Pac Has Snack Attack - Read about the preview of the upcoming "sequel to a sequel of video game."
  • Bungling in The Jungle - Learn how the owners of the Tarzan franchise, got Taito to change one of it's famous games.
  • Video Meets Video In Tinseltown - Hey!  I don't care what this article says, Square Pegs was a great show...even the "Pac Man Fever" episode.
  • Coin-Op Shop - Video Games takes a look back at 1982 and some predictions of what's to come.
  • Beyond the Valley of the Revenge Games - 1982 was a big year for sequels.   Read one person's opinion of some sequels whom he feels will make it, or not.
  • Dr. Video - Asteroids and Pac Man have violent undertones?  Read how the National Coalition on Television Violence are trying to start a holy-arcade-game-crusade without any research to back up their claims.
  • Briefs - The Fight for Ms. Pac-Man - Man, some people just aren't satisfied with a few million dollars for programming Ms. Pac-Man.  Read an interesting court case between Midway and General Computer Corp.
  • Score! My 40-Hour Defenderthon - 40 hours of playing Defender and he STILL didn't break the record.  Sheesh!  Talk about needing a girlfriend. Arcade - May, 1983
  • Sega wants you in the cockpit of the Enterprise - Read a short blurb promoting Sega's new game STAR TREK Strategic Operations Simulator.
  • Are commercial arcades in trouble deep? - I think that was supposed to read 'deep trouble', possibly the author was too upset that arcades are losing cash and an estimated 25% of all arcades will close by 1986.
  • Keep those quarters close at hand! - Come on, who really bought one of these things?
  • Arcades on Parade - Another article asking if arcades are as profitable as you've heard.  This one revolves around an arcade in Southern Ca called The Flipper Flapper Fun Co.
  • NewsBytes - July 17, 1983 - Arcade Profits Drop - Another sign of 'The Great Video Game Crash' as profits are ruduced as much as 50%.  Can new hits like Dragon's Lair pull the arcade industry out of the slump?
  • NewsBytes - September 12, 1983 - Video Retaliation - Man, it's a shame M.A.M.E. or other arcade emulators can't find the ROMs to these hacked games.  See how a University of Texas arcade reprogrammed three Williams games to retaliate against the Soviets.
  • NewsBytes - December 20, 1983 - Entering The Snakepit - A Winner - All right, who in their right mind ordered these games?
1984 1985 1998
  • Developing Games for the Public PC - Spring, 1998 - The Very Public Game Market - What? A current magazine article? See yours truly quoted in this article about my passion for the classic arcades and see some criticism about the differences between video games of today compared to games of yesteryear.

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