These are all for 2716 EPROMS. I have referenced the chip locations by the silk screen name on the PCB, the physical location, and the file name on the EPROM sticker. ROM Location File Name Checksum Notes x D1 136002.113 8392 0 E1 136002.114 189b 1 F1 136002.115 ed68 2 H1 136002.116 257f 3 J1 136002.117 5246 4 K1 136002.118 1e3 5 L/M1 136002.119 6340 6 M/N1 136002.120 eac1 7 P1 136002.121 7b1e 8 R1 136002.122 7691 N/P3 136002.111/123 6b4c 111 & 123 are the same R3 136002.112/124 2d05 112 & 124 are the same rev.2 3 J1 136002.217 5244 fixes the score cheat 8 R1 136002.222 82ad in test mode, changes spinner letters to a line (maybe other fixes) rev.3 2 H1 136002.316 25e1 fixes screen collapse between players when using newer deflection board - Made this file by splitting version 3 roms